


Humble Beginnings

History & Shepherds

A New Beginning


Humble Beginnings:
Mother Sarah Jane Holmes shared with the Union County Historical Society, the humble beginnings of Hopewell Church of God by Faith. Like many churches, had its beginning in meetings held in the forests many years ago.  It is on record that the church began around the year of 1935-36.
Under the leadership of Elder John H. Reid Sr. in a little log cabin building that belong to Sister Della Reid. They would put their Sunday dinner and the horses' fodder and hay in the wagon, go to church, tie the horse up, and stay all day. Church was not always held on Sunday, but Sunday School was a weekly event and that's where she and other members got a lot of their education.
Elder Donaldson Henry was appointed to pastor the church in 1937. During that time, the late Bishop Aaron Mathew, Daddy Scippio, and Elder Kemp were our church administrators. In 1942, the members purchased one acre of land from Mr. and Mrs. Marion Davis for Fifty ($50.00). Elder Donaldson Henry being the master builder along with the members built and dedicated the first church at Hopewell Church of God by Faith.


History and Shepherds 
(As reported on September 28, 2013)
Hopewell Church of God by Faith was organized around the year of 1935-1936 under the leadership of Elder John Reid, Sr.  in a little log cabin that belong to Sister Della Reid. Elder Donaldson Henry was appointed as Pastor in 1937. He served from 1937 to 1941 in the log cabin. During this time, Elder Aaron Matthews served as Bishop of the Church of God by Faith, Inc. Daddy Scippio was the Overseer, and Elder Kemp was the Moderator.
In 1942, the members purchased one acre of land from Mr. and Mrs. Marion Davis for $50.00. The members put their heads and shoulders together and built a church with Elder Donaldson Henry as the master builder. It was evident then that they worked very hard to finish the building to meet the date they set for the dedication. Time was drawing nigh. The material (tin) that was needed to complete the roof had been ordered, but not in time to make the dedication deadline. Therefore, our Beloved Aaron Matthews, who left this race in April 1959, instructed Deacons Major James, Mitchell Broome, J.D. Dix, and J.J. Broome to borrow enough material from a dealer so that it could be completed in time. Later, the material was replaced to the dealer and the deadline was indeed met for the dedication. During this time, they moved from the log cabin to the little white church on County Road 241 North, which was a dirt road at the time of their move.
The following men served as Pastors of Hopewell COGBF:
Elder John Reid, 1935-1936 (Founder)
Elder Donaldson Henry, 1937-1945
Elder Author Lester, 1946
Elder W. S. Stubb, 1947
Elder John H. Reid, 1951-1953
Elder T. A. Middleton, 1954-1957 with Elder James E. Mcknight, Sr., who served as assistance pastor February through June 1957.
Elder Walter Camps and Elder Joseph Camps, 1958-1960
Elder Richard Hines, 1961- 1963
Elder James Williams, Jr., 1964-1967
Elder John Middleton, 1971
Elder Phillip Sams, 1972–1973
Elder Albert Watts, 1974-1977
Elder Phillip Thomas, 1978-1979
Elder Barney Walker, l980-1986
Elder Jeremiah Lee, 1987-1993
Elder Carl Carneige, 1995
Elder Jessie Hampton, 1995-1997

Elder Leonard Watkins, 1998-2003
There were many Pastors appointed to Hopewell Church of God by Faith over the years. But from 1998-2003 Elder Leonard Watkins was appointed to pastor at Hopewell. During his pastorship he remodeled the front of the original church building.

Elder Johnny Boswell, 2004
Elder Derek Turner served as Pastor for three months in 2005.
Elder Napolean Jean served as Interim Pastor through December 2005.


A New Beginning
In December of 2005, the Supreme Council appointed Elder Jerome Dunmore to pastor Hopewell Church OF God BY Faith in Providence, Florida (commonly known as) Hopewell where he is currently pastoring. Upon his arrival, his goal was to build a new Sanctuary.  On May 21, 2011, the new Sanctuary was dedicated to God debt free.